Travel Info

  • Nepal Visa Information
  • Do’s and Don’t’s in Nepal
  • Getting in Nepal
  • Best time to visit in Nepal
  • Health and Medicine
  • Altitude Sickness
  • Suggested Equipment List
  • Trekking Permit and Entry fees
  • Trekking Grade
  • Type of trekking
  • Why is TIMS Necessary ?
  • Trekking season
  •  Climate
  • Communication service in Nepal
  • Festivals of Nepal
  • Foreign Currency and Credit Cards
  • Before you go/Additional Info
  • Foreign Embassies and Consulates
  • Place to visit in Nepal
  • Travel Insurance

  • Suggested Equipment List

    Equipment and Gear ListGeneralFour-season (-20 degree) sleeping bag (We provide rental sleeping bags available for an additional USD 35)Puffy down jacket (We provide rental jackets for an additional USD 35)Daypack (25-30 liters recommended) with rain coverUpper BodySun hat or cap (We'll provide you with a trekking cap.)Warm woolen hatScarf/Neck Buff (highly recommended to get saved from wind and cold)Headlamp or ...

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  • Do’s and Don’t’s in Nepal

    Things to do in NepalReceive and give things with both hands.Ask permission before taking a photograph.Go clockwise around stupas and temples.Stay and eat in the lodge. Don't stay in one place and eat at another.Visitors in Nepal's cities or remote areas will be respected and treated like family members.Nepalese culture has a common saying:" Athiti Devo Bhaba," which translates to"Guest is ...

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  • Health and Medicine

    It is thrilling and challenging to go on a trek in the high Himalayas. You must be generally healthy and in good shape. You might want to speak with your doctor before starting a trek through the Himalayas. Don't forget to bring your home-prescribed medications if you have any health issues. In case you become ill or hurt while hiking, ...

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  • Altitude Sickness

    A change in the body due to high altitude. A decrease in atmospheric pressure makes breathing difficult due to less oxygen. Mainly, it happens above 3300 m (10,000 ft). This is a dangerous hazard that threatens the lives of trekkers if symptoms are ignored.Symptoms and signsHeadache or DizzinessNausea/vomitingTiredness or fatigueSleepy but can’t sleepDrunken Gait, DeliriousLoss of AppetiteConfusionDisorientationReduced urine outputPreventionAvoiding high ...

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  • Clothing and Equipment

    Trekking takes place in chilly, high, and isolated locations. The majority of the gear required for trekking is available in Kathmandu and Pokhara, so we need specific clothing and equipment for trekking.Clothing for TrekkingYou can walk more efficiently and comfortably if you are wearing good walking or trekking shoes.A tracksuit and some sandals or light shoes to wear at night ...

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  • Trekking Permit and Entry fees

    Most treks in Nepal require a trekking permit; the specific requirements and cost vary depending on the trekking location. Here are some basic details on trekking permits in Nepal:The Department of Immigration in Kathmandu or Pokhara, or a licensed trekking service, are the places to get trekking permits for the majority of Nepal's areas.Depending on the area, different trekking permits ...

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  • Trekking Grade

    With elevation changes ranging from 600 meters to 8848 meters, Nepal is the best trekking destination in the world. It encompasses all levels of trekking, causing the difficulty of a trek to depend on a number of factors. The main goal of classifying trekking difficulty is to provide each person with a trek that ranges from straightforward to extremely difficult. ...

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  • Type of Trekking

    Trekking enthusiasts will love Nepal. In Nepal, there are several different ways to organize a trek. However, there are essentially only two kinds of trekking in Nepal.Teahouse or Lodge trekkingIn Nepal, a teahouse trek entails lodging in small hotels or lodges along the way, which offer a cozy bed and meals. The most popular and affordable type of trekking in ...

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  • Why is TIMS Necessary?

    You are protected by a Trekkers Information Management System (TIMS) card. A computerized database management system that can be used for the trekkers' safety and security shall be maintained with all pertinent information regarding all trekkers and trekking routes. This database contains personal information about trekkers, dates, the trekking area, routes, handling agencies, duration, etc., to carry out search and ...

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  • Trekking season

    Depending on the region, trekking can be done in Nepal all year. In Nepal, there are as many different altitudes as climate variations. The midland hills are warm temperate (1200-3100m) and cool temperate (2100-3300m), while the high mountains are Alpine (3330-5000m) and tundra (5000-8848m). The lowland plains are subtropical (600-1200m).The ideal trekking season in Nepal is from mid-September to mid-December.During ...

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  • Nepal Visa Information

    A Nepalese visa is obtained when arriving at Kathmandu's Tribhuvan International Airport. You can also get a visa at border entry points in Kakadvitta, Birgunj, Bhairahawa, Nepalgunj, Gaddachowki on the Nepal-Indian border, and Kodari on the Nepal-China border. Additionally, you can obtain a visa at the embassy or diplomatic mission representing Nepal in your area. The Department of Immigration, Kalikasthan, Kathmandu, ...

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  • Before you go/Additional Info

    Visa:Visit Nepal: If you need a visa, you can easily get one at the Nepal International Airport in Kathmandu or any port of entry if you have one from your home country at the Nepalese Embassies and Consulates.Getting into Nepal:The main entry points for international flights to Kathmandu and the Nepal international airport are via land routes from India or ...

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  • Weather and Climate of Nepal

    Days are usually clear above 2,500 meters, though depending on the season, the weather in the mountainous region can occasionally be erratic. Nepal's Himalayan regions' leading trekking and travel seasons run from April to May. The mornings and middays are typically sunny and clear during this time. Still, occasionally, the afternoons can be cloudy and obstruct views of the peaks.Between ...

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  • Best time to visit in Nepal

    Nepal is a country that can be visited year-round and for any occasion. However, the best times to visit Nepal are in the autumn (mid-September to end-November) and spring (mid-March to end-May) primarily for trekking. The weather is typically clear during the autumn, with mild to warm days and chilly nights. Clear and beautiful views of the outdoors and mountains ...

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  • Communication service in Nepal

    Contact services:In Nepal, both landline and mobile phone services are accessible. Landlines are primarily found in Kathmandu and a few other major cities, whereas mobile services have a network that reaches most of the country with the exception of some significant Himalayan regions. In most countries, hotels and private communication centers also offer telephone and fax office servicesExcept on ...

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  • Festivals of Nepal

    Nepal's major festivalsDashain (September–October) The Nepalese festival of Dashain, the biggest festival of the year, is celebrated by Nepalese people during the pleasant autumn season, when the sky is clear, the air is fresh, and the fields are blooming with flowers. All Nepalese castes celebrate Dashain, the longest (15-day) and most auspicious festival on the country's calendar. The festival takes ...

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  • Foreign Currency and Credit Cards

    In Nepal, payments are typically made to hotels, airlines, travel agencies, and trekking outfitters in foreign currency. Large banks and foreign exchange counters offer foreign exchange services in all of Nepal's major cities. The daily currency exchange rates are published in English newspapers like the Kathmandu Post, Himalayan Times, and Rising Nepal. When transferring foreign currency to Nepali currency, keep your ...

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  • Place to visit in Nepal

    Nepal is a country filled with a variety of stunning and intriguing locations, each with a special meaning. The locations are notable for their stunning natural beauty as well as being rich in history, culture, and religion. Most locations are easily accessible by air or road from Kathmandu, the country's capital. The Lonely Planet Travel Guide states that "Nepal is ...

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  • Travel Insurance

    Travel InsuranceTravel insurance is an insurance policy that protects you from comprehensive medical costs (including helicopter rescue, air ambulance, and treatment costs) related to your illness or accident.Travel insurance is a type of insurance that provides coverage for unexpected events or mishaps that can occur while traveling. It's designed to protect travellers from financial losses and help them manage unforeseen ...

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  • Getting into Nepal

    Nepal is a landlocked country. Thus, the only modes of entry into Nepal are by air and land.Connection by International Air:The only international airport serving Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, is Tribhuvan International Airport. Many international airlines offer nonstop flights to Kathmandu. Only Nepal Airlines operates flights to/from Delhi, Kuala Lumpur, Dubai, Bangkok, Doha, and Hong Kong under the national ...

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